Although I'm always candid about the tougher parts of parenting on the blog (Honest Mum, right), I love to share the more joyful moments too, of which there are many, because childhood should and so often is, pretty magical is it not?... And this post certainly demonstrates that so read on but be prepared it's a bit of a heart-melter.
With Father's Day not far off, on Sunday June 21st, I'm starting to plan how I'll be spoiling the 2 main (grown) men in my life - my husband of 10 years, Peter, and of course the one and only Papa G.
OK so let me explain, ever since I was a teenager, or a tween even (isn't that word odd?!)-when I was a tween and that term hadn't been invented (thankfully), I realised I had a bit of a lovely bond with kids, I connected with children and adored playing with them. I did play with dolls pretty late so I suppose they were an extension of that!
Folks, it's nearly Christmas! I know, it's hard to believe as it's only just October tomorrow but before you know it, you'll be buying Christmas trees and posting off letters to Santa (I've already got my hand hovering over the Chanel site, crossing fingers and toes)!
Some days I feel like I have a little Buddha in the making on my hands, a four year old son (4 and a 1/2 to be precise) seemingly wise beyond his years offering me kernels of wisdom only innocent children who so often so clearly see life as it is, can.
Isn't summer time simply the best (when they kids aren't making us feel like we're going slowly insane that is)- so far we've had some gorgeous Vitamin D fuelled days in the garden and out and about in glorious Yorkshire to make us happy.
Why not get yourself a lovely glass or jug (ha) of Pimms and enjoy some of my favourite photos taken so far this summer-carefree, fun days pf the kids enjoying the rays:
Here's my adorable little baby boy Alexander, aged 4 months old. Time is flying by. Please stop. Soon you'll be talking, walking and asking me for the keys to my car.