As all you parents will know, it's rare to get 'couple time' when kids come along, and the last time Peter and I got a night away together was way back in June. A whole season ago then
Britmums Live, the biggest parenting conference in the UK was a complete and utter whirlwind this weekend just gone, and as you can gather from the title, a wonderful one at that.
Last week saw 'part' of this family spend 7 days in Marbella, staying at the palatial Casa Haniel, a James Villa Holidays' villa in San Pedro, above, for a fabulous, relaxing, fun and invigorating week away.
This weekend was gushingly one where I literally kept thinking, 'Wow I'm so happy, I'm so lucky'...stick with me...You see we are all so busy rushing around aren't we, running from here to there, working, hustling, multi-juggling that these last few days went by a bit slowly in comparison and allowed me to truly take stock.
On last week's date night, Peter had to share me with 8 others (hey, not like that you naughty ones at the back)...we were invited along with several other food bloggers to review new Leeds eaterie COSMO which opened in November 2013...
One of my oldest, closest (and most gorgeous) friends Emma is in London from LA over Christmas so this weekend was all about quality time together, catching up face to face (Skype can never compare but helps since she moved Stateside), Christmas shopping and of course partying in sparkly London town!
Pregnancy means missing out on a few of those much loved luxuries: wine, champagne, soft cheese, liver (yes really, I adore it) so I've compiled a list of things I'll be relishing on once baby is here! Enjoy!