SEO and PR can often overwhelm even the most seasoned of bloggers. Why do some blog rank higher than others in Google, and how can it be done for your own blog? Today we welcome back Nic Tuxford, senior SEO specialist at digital marketing agency Exposure Ninja, to share the secrets to great SEO for bloggers
What a whirlwind BritMums Live, the biggest blogging conference in the UK, was! Wow!
I literally write these exact same words every single year post-BML.
Bloggers/business owners/brands depend on social media to grow, expand and thrive.
Social media is an easy, instant way to connect with friends and potential readers/consumers.
Oh the irony that this in itself is a commissioned post (!) but it is of value to you and my tips will hopefully help you too get work.
You see, I'm a full time professional blogger and have been for over 2 1/2 years, working with clients and brands both big and small that fit my blog and importantly my audience: you.
If they're of interest and use to me, products and services I would use myself, then I'm happy to endorse them on this blog here and, my style blog.
Yesterday was a whirlwind of a day as I spent it in London with my Mum (we arrived the night before) so I could speak on a prestigious panel for Mode Media first thing (Mode represent the display ads on my blogs) and set up this breakfast meeting with a panel on pro blogging and brand endorsement for a large audience of major UK brands.
After the overwhelming response to my post My Career as a Professional Blogger, I want to share more tips and advice and will do regularly on my blog right here.
BritMums Live was a total and utter whirlwind of a weekend of which I'm not sure I'm even remotely recovered from, but I'll try to articulate my highlights for you here... It was a weekend sponsored by wine (literally) thanks to Lindeman's Wine so forgive me if I've forgotten anything or anyone.
I'm often asked what my career is and although I'm a trained, award winning filmmaker and adore directing, the last few years have seen me become a full time blogger, a career that happened organically and is one I LOVE.