Owning a Range Rover has always been on my Bucket List yet I never expected to my youngest son, Xander, to own one before me! What a lucky little dude!
The last few weeks have felt like a bit of a dream if I'm honest. A gorgeous sunny adventure in one of my favourite parts of the world: the South of France with good as gold kids and my sweetheart of a husband. I've felt like a lucky, lucky lady after quite a busy year.
It's not every day your kids get to play tennis with Former No 1 Annabel Croft but thanks to BritMums that's exactly what happened back on the 5th of March.
This summer has been glorious- a slower way of life for us all, al fresco dining when the weather allowed, a week in Spain, good times in the garden growing our own produce (hello runner beans and strawberries galore), inventing games, painting (in the garage with newspaper on the floor of course-I've not gone totally insane)...just being happy, b
Last week saw 'part' of this family spend 7 days in Marbella, staying at the palatial Casa Haniel, a James Villa Holidays' villa in San Pedro, above, for a fabulous, relaxing, fun and invigorating week away.
So my Oliver brings all the girls to the yard...and it's no doubt milk rather than milkshakes senoirs he's still at pre-school but funny nonetheless! Slowly I've noticed over the last few months in particular that young girls are starting to notice him. He's always been popular at nursery (in fact I remember a row of girls standing by the window waving his off aged 2 1/2) but it's becoming a little more obvious now!