People tend focus on the downside of online life, how it can lead to a negative cycle of comparison which can tear away at your confidence or the inevitable trolling.
I reckon I might just be a bit of a Peter Pan ( why there isn't a female equivalent to the youth-chasing PP I don't know, but that surely requires a whole other post)- essentially my point is, I refuse to GROW UP or more so, I don't feel that different from the 21 year old girl I was erm, (Googles a calculator)-14 years ago (case in point)- despite two kids and 2 c-sections (ouch) and cement thick concealer to hide my my eye bags.
I write prolifically (a skill I honed as a busy screenwriter over the many years in the TV and film industry)- and as friends often tell me, I tend to appear to be EVERYWHERE online simultaneously (what can I say, I'm good at scheduling folks)...
If you want to succeed in business- and in life, you need to have a purpose, you need to work out what you're passionate about, what feeds your soul- and potentially your tummy (we all need dollar) and then you must work on finding the strength, means and time to make that dream a reality.
Life can be a little bit surreal at times and in some respects it can feel, well, a little bit full circle.
I know I'm being ambiguous but bare with me...
On Thursday night I attended the film première of Eddie the Eagle, a movie made by Lionsgate UK, a company I used to work for.