Parents assume that bonding happens immediately at birth, and whilst it can, for many, birth, particularly the first time round is a rollercoaster of emotion oscillating between shock, elation, worry and love.
I'm going to start this post with a warning as there are some SERIOUSLY cute baby pictures coming up and if you're feeling broody, your clock is gonna go into overdrive! Ouch, there goes my ovaries!
Sleep-deprivation isn't just for parents of newborns, I'm still waiting for my 5 year old, Oliver to sleep through the night, every night. Really.
Both he and Alexander are light sleepers like their Mama and both will usually wake up at least once a night if not more. Good times.
...And it's not just us who are suffering, the majority of parents I've asked recently, seem to be too. It appears we are all relentlessly searching for the holy grail of consistent sleep-argh remember the full 8 hours pre-kids. It's but a distant memory for myself and so many.
Baby Alexander was born on the 20th of September at 10.52am, weighing 8lbs 2. We are all truly besotted with our little man, especially big brother Oliver who utterly adores him. There are some very sweet pictures of the boys together on my FB Honest Mum page.
This is more a reminder for myself -now that my hospital bag checklist is written up (and about to be packed) I started thinking about the neccesities I'll need post baby-the vitamins and remedies below were total emotional life savers when I had Oliver and I'm hoping they work their magic again this time round. Remember I'm not a Dr so please ask yours or your midwife before taking anything.