Pre-kids, I'd devoured every book I could get hold of that could prepare me for parenthood, I'd seen the movies (two pushes and it's out) and completed an NCT crash course on a weekend with my husband.
For me becoming a mum was a wonderful thing - all of my other achievements paled into insignificance. I felt I’d found purpose in my life, my new baby daughter became the reason I wanted to succeed and everything was hunky dorky until… I lost myself.
Migraines. Don't you just HATE them?! Mine are so excruciatingly painful and although I only get them every few years, they freak me out when they happen.
The last few weeks have seen my usually pretty healthy way of eating go to pot, with lots more sugar finding its way into my diet from celebratory cakes to afternoon teas and far too much champagne (with my recent 10th wedding anniversary, my brother's engagement and baby cousin's birth)- making me feel sluggish, tired and really not my best, physically and mentally. I've less energy than usual, haven't been sleeping well and my PMT is worse than ever.
My first pregnancy was pretty tough with daily vomiting continuing until I was 28 weeks. Not fun. At. All. It also meant living on walkers, dry biscuits and dairylea (whatever I could stomach) daily and sadly no exercise (even a ride in the car induced puking).