Oh the irony that this in itself is a commissioned post (!) but it is of value to you and my tips will hopefully help you too get work.
You see, I'm a full time professional blogger and have been for over 2 1/2 years, working with clients and brands both big and small that fit my blog and importantly my audience: you.
If they're of interest and use to me, products and services I would use myself, then I'm happy to endorse them on this blog here and mummysgotstyle.com, my style blog.
It's what we'd been gearing up for all summer...trial days at the end of last term were enjoyed (mostly making play dough cookies and playing in the sand pit), teachers had visited us at home (manic hoovering followed by a friendly chat with us both) and then finally, FINALLY Oliver was embarking on the biggest milestone of his little life yesterday-starting school!