Michelle Griffith-Robinson is a former Olympic athlete who represented GB for over two decades in the Triple jump. Michelle joins only a handful of women in the UK to have jumped over 14 metres.
Lucy is a 30-year-old Senior PR Manager living in London who works for the Red Consultancy across a variety of health, beauty, food and lifestyle brands including Boots and Johnson & Johnson.
As a nutrition and fitness nut, she’s recently started a blog and Instagram account inspiring others to go out and try classes and recipes on www.msmotivator.me, with daily Instagram memes from her global travels aimed at motivating and making people smile @msmotivatorme.
This Sunday was the first day of spring and the sunniest we've had since last summer, so there couldn't have been a more perfect day to head to Sheffield and take part in the incredible Sport Relief's Games.
I love yoga! I practise it 3 mornings a week and the odd evening too and often that might just be 10 minutes but it makes the world of difference, to my well being, how toned I look and feel and well, it makes me happy.
So for those who are new to this blog, I started the Fast Diet to help me to lose my baby weight (and become healthier with promises of protection from heart disease, diabetes and cancer) and succeeded in completing 11 weeks of the diet before having a 5 week well earned break.