You may remember how last month I revealed this family are card-carrying members of #TeamTickly! You see, when it comes to facial hair we can't resist the stubble and love nothing more than furry, giggly kisses from the Papas in our family.
Surrounded by bearded men (my brother Solos is the only clean-shaven guy in our clan), it's safe to that this family is 100% #TeamTickly.
Furry, giggly kisses are the best and both my sons love nothing more than showing their Grandad (aka Papa G) or their Dad, Peter, affection through tickly kisses.
With Father's Day not far off, on Sunday June 21st, I'm starting to plan how I'll be spoiling the 2 main (grown) men in my life - my husband of 10 years, Peter, and of course the one and only Papa G.
My husband Peter has always been a big Braun fan and although I love him to have a little bit of 'beardage', he trims with his trusty Braun shaver every few days, to keep things neat and smooth. And isn't he handsome!
Papa G's a football mad Gunners supporter and in time for Father's Day (held this year on June 17) he was kindly sent a handcrafted, beautiful architectural model of his beloved Arsenal Stadium (£99) from Chisel & Mouse . Just look at his face: think he's even happier than the day I was born. Nearly.