We all dream of escaping the rat race, go travelling and leading a nomadic lifestyle.
Here, in the latest guest post as part of my Who's The Daddy series, Samuel Stonehill of Moving Time Lapse shares his own experience of seeking out true happiness, travelling the world, creating films that matter while offering his young son Esteban an unconventional yet rewarding education.
It's funny how things can work out just when you need them to...I was feeling a bit down in the dumps that I'd not seen some of my closest London buddies for what feels like forever when I received a text from my male best friend Will that he'd be in town for an anesthetist conference pretty much round the corner from where I live in Yorkshire-yay!
So tonight as I cut my eldest, Oliver's hair (he's currently hairdresser-phobic) I realised that as parents we seem to take on many, MANY roles or jobs from wannabee Nicky Clarke's (more like Edward Scissorhands in my case although Oliver's locks are still long enough to pass for an American kid in a Gap advert-phew) to full time therapists for our kids and more...