So today I bumped into an old boyfriend in the post office, as you do (this never happens).
It was really sweet seeing him again, especially as the last time we met up was about 17 whole years ago-and now we're 35 and 36 respectively.
We love to fill our weekends with wintry walks and precious family time, mostly eating, playing and enjoying all that beautiful Yorkshire has to offer us.
I usually focus on style, mine and the kids, over on my style blog Mummy's Got Style but every so often, I like to showcase what we rock, right here too!
Oliver is one lucky 4 year old boy who thanks to this blog, receives some brilliantly entertaining and educational toys to review. He gets more excited than I do when the postman knocks!
This family loves to party and those who follow this blog knows we have a lot of get-togethers-great Greek or Italian food (usually supplied by the family's restaurants), the funniest and funnest company you can imagine (we literally laugh the whole time), music (always) and most of all (and soppiest) there's always so much bloody love in the room.
So last night I mentioned on social media that I often feel I'm just playing Mummies and Daddies, that I look at my cute kids then question whose they are-you see deep down I still feel 16. OK make that 18. Thankfully from the response I got online, it seems I'm not alone...
Mother's Day has gotten me thinking about the simple things I love about motherhood, the little moments that make me appreciate being a mother more than anything in my life, when my kids aren't tantrumming of course, fighting over which Peppa Pig episode to watch or refusing OVER and OVER to share (yawn)....but here are the times when it's truly JOYOUS:
My darling little man is 4 today ( I know what you're thinking/! I look too young right?! Why thank you) Ha! But seriously now 4? 4 feels insanely grown up for a tiny little baby I had in arms, well, 4 short years ago.
I found myself scribbing away after dinner on a dog-eared bit of paper (simultaneously trying to watch XFactor on Catch Up), all the things Alexander can now do, aged 1.
Yesterday my baby child turned 3! 3 whole, flipping years! It seems like yesterday I brought him home from hospital all tiny and sweet (now he asks me questions I can't answer like, "If lions can't talk, why can Raa-Raa, Mama?" Well Cbeebies, what have you got to say for yourself?