On International Women's Day I had the honour of attending the gala dinner for the launch of Girls I Rate, the brainchild of Carla Marie Williams: a round table of women within the creative industries who celebrate and support other women with an aim to forging and strengthening relationships between them.
I struggled to find a title I liked if I'm honest to begin with, I wanted to simply let this post flow before I pinned down the exact words I hoped would draw you in. That would encapsulate the meaning behind my words.
Oh the irony that this in itself is a commissioned post (!) but it is of value to you and my tips will hopefully help you too get work.
You see, I'm a full time professional blogger and have been for over 2 1/2 years, working with clients and brands both big and small that fit my blog and importantly my audience: you.
If they're of interest and use to me, products and services I would use myself, then I'm happy to endorse them on this blog here and mummysgotstyle.com, my style blog.