So tonight as I cut my eldest, Oliver's hair (he's currently hairdresser-phobic) I realised that as parents we seem to take on many, MANY roles or jobs from wannabee Nicky Clarke's (more like Edward Scissorhands in my case although Oliver's locks are still long enough to pass for an American kid in a Gap advert-phew) to full time therapists for our kids and more...
So my Oliver brings all the girls to the yard...and it's no doubt milk rather than milkshakes senoirs he's still at pre-school but funny nonetheless! Slowly I've noticed over the last few months in particular that young girls are starting to notice him. He's always been popular at nursery (in fact I remember a row of girls standing by the window waving his off aged 2 1/2) but it's becoming a little more obvious now!
When the kids don't sleep it's AWFUL, horrendous, mood altering-ly exhausting and with two kids aged 4 and 18 months respectively, this is not what I bargained for. When will they sleep?! When will I sleep through for a full night-please don't say when they're 18 *screams!?
Being creative can be hard work. Hard to get the words onto the screen for that next draft, hard to get the confidence to write the book, launch the blog, heck even write that funny tweet. Creatives are riddled with self doubt. Fact.