On Saturday, my eldest son, my floppy haired, bright eyed Oliver turned 5. I actually can't believe I'm typing this out-5, it sounds so, well grown up.
I shall let the pictures do the 'talking'. OK, most of the 'talking'...Baby A turned 1 last Friday and we celebrated as a family (here he is with his great family friend Papu Andy (Grandpa Andy) with his beautiful birthday cake (made by a brilliant professional cake maker, not I, I'm afraid).
Oliver had a fabulous 3rd birthday party with a few friends yesterday (27 being a few *cough). Held at a well known private leisure centre it was Thomas the Tank Engine themed (O's obsessed with that excitable little train and declared on seeing his cake, "I'd like to eat the funnel and boiler first Mama"). I might have had to ask him to show me which part was the boiler. What?