Aw I've not shared this little guy and all his gorgeous chubbiness on the blog for a while now so I'm delighted to get my nephew back on here and in such a stylish highchair too.
There's nothing I love more than looking at old photos from my childhood (bar the 10 year old school pictures that is- my eyebrows aka Carpet World samples were let's say, ahead of their time when it came to brow trends, and most of those scary shots have found their way into the bin-eek!
Anyone who knows me, understands how much I love hanging out with my family. In fact nothing, NOTHING makes me happier than when we're altogether, eating, laughing, eating, shouting (we don't do talking, we're Greek) and did I mention eating?! My family are utter happy-makers and that's the 'truth Ruth'!
It seems that as soon as kids start school or preschool in my case, another holiday crops up and I'm responsible for the entertainment. I'm not sure we can have another week sponsored by Cbeebies after doing nothing but watch the box and nurse colds over Christmas, so in spite of the weather I'm hoping to get the boys out and about!