Oliver started school just under a week ago so I thought I’d share what that’s actually meant for us all as a family, the reality of my 4 year old beginning the biggest chapter of his little life. I’d love to hear your experiences too in the comments…
Here’s (possibly) what to expect when your kids starts school…
You have first day nerves as much as they do.
I stayed up late the night before going over everything over and over again.
Was every piece of uniform along with his bag and water bottle named and laid out? Had I signed the forms I was sent months earlier at the start of the summer? Was breakfast prepared for the following day? Really! I even placed cereal in a bowl ready for the morning just in case we were in a crazy rush and forgot to eat!!!
I might have also laid out the clothes I was going to be wearing too (first day school gate pressure)!
Talking of my wardrobe…my am drop off uniform is usually ‘good intention gym kit’ (even though I’m yet to make the gym or even the treadmill in the garage most days) but running gear is so easy to throw on at 8 am… I then usually change into a floral frock for pick up, post days out with the toddler (nice to give Alexander my time solo) or meetings.
Anyway, back to the first day-
Those pre-first day at school pictures take at least 10 minutes so schedule that into your morning before the bell goes, we grabbed a few shots and are so pleased we did!
…The walk up to the school gates is rather nerve wracking- your heart will accelerate and drop off will happen in a blur.
You’ll most likely find yourself welling up as your little one sets off on this new journey so take tissues (lots of tissues).
You will then no doubt feel a little bit lost when you get back home. As do siblings.
Alexander, 2 spent a lot of last week kissing and hugging photos of Oliver around the house and saying, “me, school, me school”. Heart melt.
At least they’re both happy to see each other at pick up!
I must add the time from pick up to bedtime actually flies by. I stop work at pick up and don’t start until the kids are asleep and it feels like it all goes too quickly for me! I miss my boy!
He misses me too and I’ve noticed he’s much more clingy than usual but with that comes lots of precious moments, stroking Oliver’s hair to sleep, more kisses and cuddles than usual (and there’s always a lot in this house), excited discussions of new friends and toys played with, seeds grown and nuts cracked. It’s a truly magical time!
It’s also an emotional time, Oliver complained just this morning that the day is too long, “It’s ages until I come home again and lunch takes half an hour”.
School is tiring, mentally and physically (for you both). I welled up myself this morning when Oliver cried at the school gates. I know as soon as he gets into the classroom, he will be fine but it’s still tough going!
The good news is all this tiredness means a restful sleep. Oliver has been going to bed earlier than ever and even a teething toddler hasn’t woken him up!
I must mention too that Oliver has always been the lightest of sleepers yet since school started, he’s slept through uninterrupted every night. Long may it continue!
So that was our week…
School is a huge, make that a MASSIVE change for the whole family. It’s brought us routine after a relaxed summer, (early to dinner and bed), more structured afternoons and a greater sense of balance for me with my working hours.
More than anything, I feel more like a grown up. No longer a big kid myself just pretending to be a parent. I feel like a fully grown mum who has a child at school. Wow, a child at school. That really does feel grown up (for us both)!
Photo of pens by Tim Gouw on Unsplash
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