#Spreadasmile for Make-A-Wish®UK Charity with Primula Cheese.
Today (Oct 2nd) is World Smile Day, a day coined by Harvey Ball – the creator of the iconic smiley face no less! An emoji before phones and computers even existed! 🙂
To mark World Smile Day, Primula Cheese are working with Make-A-Wish® UK to raise funds to help grant magical wishes to children fighting life-threatening conditions.
Throughout October and November, they will donate 20% of the profits from the sale of their special ‘Just Say Cheese’ tubes sold to Make-A-Wish® UK.
It’s an honour to support this campaign and I’ll be joining in their online #spreadasmile campaign by posting a picture of me with someone that makes me smile.
And you can see it here too- my own little smiler, Alexander.
Peter, my husband grabbed this shot, unbeknown to me on a family day in York. It embodies a mother’s love perfectly.
I feel so lucky to have the bond I do with my two beautiful and luckily, healthy boys.
I hope you want to help children not as fortunate as I do.
Please join in by posting a picture of yourself with someone that makes you smile including the hashtag #spreadasmile and of course, pick up a limited Just Say Cheese edition Primula Cheese tube in store now!
Join in the #spreadasmile action on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.
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