In September my son Oliver started school and in many ways, so did I.
What to wear to the school gates (good intention gym kit or easy to wear tea dresses if I’ve got meetings)-not that anyone really cares, polite chatter in the playground with other parents through tired eyes due to wrestling kids into school uniforms, forcing food down their necks (son refused anything but quavers this morning-nice) and making sure show and tell books or anything else needed, has made it into the book bag…
As you can tell, it’s all rather pressurised and exhausting. Especially as pre-school wasn’t as strict, I wasn’t bound to the school at specific times and it was all a bit more chilled as it would be…
Today was School Harvest Assembly (not sure that’s the official name because I missed it in the emailed newsletter-more of that later) where parents were also invited and for some reason the reminder text didn’t reach me and well, I might have *cough skim read the newsletter… So I double booked the assembly today with a beauty bloggers’ event that has scheduled times of attendance.
If I’d actually READ the newsletter properly, I would have changed the time I was due to be at the event and headed to the harvest festival. Luckily my son informed me of it yesterday evening so I managed to fill his book bag with chick peas, baked beans, tuna and chopped tomatoes so it wasn’t a complete fail…
You see Oliver’s previous pre-school emailed newsletters but they basically babysat the parents and informed us in person or with big notes on doors of when events, assemblies and sports days were happening.
But, I suppose we’re both at ‘big school’ now and need to adapt. Quickly. There’s no time for primary school to hold our hand every bit of the way and I’m learning (we both are, we really are). Oliver dresses himself now and has become an independent little boy in as little as a three weeks at school. I’m learning I must read newsletters. Always.
It’s just today I’m missing a harvest assembly and my son’s a little bit disappointed. And so am I.
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