Run, vicki, run…
Is anyone else a little bored with I don’t know, everyone’s obsession with weight, whether you’ve had a baby or not? OK I get it, I may just be adding to the discourse but hear me out, this isn’t really about weight, this is about running. Running?
Yep you heard right, recently I’ve become quite frankly, addicted to running. No not running away from Baby Oliver when he’s shit himself, not running away from the millions of emails staring me in the face or the ten missed calls on my phone…but you know, running for like ‘fun’.
Oh we’ve had intermittent flings over the years, times when I was truly obsessed with my treadmill (no need to call security) and others when I just used and abused it, usually carefully placing wet laundry over it to dry.
Oh and there was that funny time when my sweet husband (acting like a teenage boy trying to get the girl) thought he’d impress me when I was pounding on it, and decided to jump on the back while I was in full swing. He fell and ummmm bruised himself. Not sure why he was trying to impress me, we’d been married 3 years.
…I digress. So after not even giving it a second thought whiles pregnant (I was too busy eating and vomiting until late on and I really don’t think running sans baby in tummy is good but that’s my personal opinion and down to the individual)-I got back on the saddle so to speak when my child was 9 months old.
Prior to that, I couldn’t even contemplate exercise-I know they say 3 months post C section but to me that’s lunacy, I was just sooo tired-so for the last 8 months, I am well, I’m back in love with my treadmill again.
I’m very lucky, a photographer friend of mine was moving to Canada a few years ago and gave me her treadmill (it’s a US brand and is the heaviest but sturdiest machine there is) and it’s found its way into my office at home.
I’ll be honest even when Oliver was 9 months, I was far from my pre baby weight and running outside, well it freaked the crap out of me. Even getting my trainers on took copious amounts of camomile tea and a hit of Rescue Remedy.
So fast forward 9 months and I run on the thing 5 times a week. I know, mental but I love the way it makes me feel, it invigorates me in the morning (whiles child sits in his highchair and destroys a banana and porridge), it chills me out early evening (whiles Daddy has child and he destroys dinner) and as a side effect it has got me back to pre baby weight but slowly and healthily and I’m even a smaller size than I was before.
Oh yes, there are areas that still need improvement but it’s a treadmill not a plastic surgeon and we’ll get there (maybe) and you know what, I think I might be ready to take me and my athletic booty onto the street!
*Start the Rocky theme tune.
Photograph ©Vicki Psarias-Broadbent.
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