
Roast Pears to Stop a Cough!

Several years ago, Dr Robert Maida, former GP, doctor and accupuncurist at the Good Health Centre in Leeds, kindly shared this brilliant, almost magical recipe of roast pears, to help stop a cough and it really did work for me.

I thought now with the current Coronavirus crisis, this hack might offer some help to those with mild symptons so I’m resharing it.

The simple instructions are as follows:


Half and core as many washed conference pairs as you wish (I baked 5) and brush with a little honey. Add a little cold water over them too.

Roast in an oven dish for 15-20 minutes at 180 °C until golden.

Remove from the oven and squeeze a little fresh lemon juice over them and eat.

Alternatively and for more acute coughs, peel, core and poach the pears instead in water.

I actually mashed one of the pears up for my 1 year old and it helped relieve his cough too, such a relief. They are absolutely delicious too far better than sugary cough syrups!

As an aside, my acupuncture sessions are really helping with my PMT. Referred by my own GP, they’ve really helped ease the week of hormonal sadness and mood swings. My health insurance is covering the first 12 too which is fab and I hope to continue these sessions forever! They’ve made a huge difference along with vitamins to my life!

I’d strongly recommend acupuncture to everyone for all sorts of ailments!

I hope the pear recipe helps with coughs this winter.

Pears with blanket photo by Plush Design Studio on Unsplash


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