Review of Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door

It’s a meee Mario!!!

Yay, you now have the chance to rejoin Mario and friends in a paper world full of adventure exclusively on the Nintendo Switch taking you on epic journey to discover the legendary treasure behind the ancient Thousand-Year Door.

This groundbreaking, captivating remake, launched on May 23rd 2024, is truly unmissable. Nintendo kindly sent us a gift box with stickers, a cardboard diorama of the game, fridge magnets, a t-shirt, paper aeroplanes, the game of course, and a Nintendo Switch. Lucky us!

Read on for our full review.

With exquisuite origami-style graphics where paper meets pixel, this charming, easy to navigate game will delight all of the family. Ideally for 8 + the game’s success is based on brilliant storytelling and excellent playability as new features and tonnes of fun literally unfolds as you play.

Below are quotes from my two sons who are 14 and 11 respectively to give you a feel of the game.

“Paper Mario is totally original, I’ve never seen a game make paper style graphics like this before”.

“Charming and lighthearted, it’s the perfect game to play after a long day at school”.

“The paper aesthetic is awesome. I loved the unique turn-based battles which offer additional gameplay options added by the in-game audience”.

“I liked how they gradually introduced you to new areas of the game. There were easy to find hints and descriptions along the way too for first time or less experienced players or when you find yourself getting stuck”.

“Turning Mario into a paper aeroplane was my favourite challennge as it requires a dexterous hand to navigate some of the more challenging areas”.

“Wow, there are multi faceted in-game options to customise the way you play the game so you always feel in charge”.

“I faced lots of choices that affect the game which makes it super exciting!”

What a hilarious adventure bursting with an ensemble of loveable characters and foldable fun. Check out Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door, only on the Nintendo Switch!


We were gifted the Nintendo Switch and the game in return for this honest review.

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