At 18 months postpartum, I’m finally, finally, feeling myself again (whoop!) so I’ve decided that this summer is going to be my Hot Mum Summer (yes, I’ve been whiling away some time on TikTok lately, can you tell?!) and I want you fellow mamas to join me!
It’s time to reclaim our health, both mental and physical, our inner confidence as well as our super fun side (that might have been in hiding) so we can live life to the fullest!
It’s my new chapter. My new confident mum era. I’m no longer simply surviving anymore, I’m thriving.
I’m feeling happier in my skin, my daughter is sleeping better (sleep deprivation is a literal nightmare) and most importantly, my hormones have settled down so I feel more able to cope with being a busy, working mum of three, which sees me divided by a trio of kids of different ages with varied personalities and needs.
It isn’t easy but it’s certainly rewarding and I’ve never felt so loved, to be honest.
So over to some shared goals I hope we can achieve together for a Hot Mum Summer:
Daily affirmations
Daily affirmations are a must here, allowing me to remind myself that, ‘I am enough, I am loved, I am safe, and I am capable’. Affirmations rewire those negative voices in your head and with practise, can enable you to overcome doubt so you can start believing in yourself again and with self-believe comes progress, achievement and happiness.
Experts state a ratio of 5: 1 is the golden ticket when it comes to combating negative thinking meaning you need 5 positive thoughts to overcome one negative.
Next time you’re doubting yourself as a mama or don’t believe you deserve that promotion for example, combat that thought 5 times with, ‘I am a capable mum/ colleague/ creative and deserve to feel good/ thrive’. It really works!
Equally, I’ve been manifesting most days, in the hope that my life and career goals, coupled with hard work, of course, will come to fruition with many dreams taking shape, from a new book on the horizon (more of that to come), more TV and radio appearances and campaigns working with brands I love. Which nicely leads me onto…
Keeping an eye on my vital stats
Aktiia, a revolutionary one of a kind, clinically-validated system which spans a device, software and services, to track, analyze, and optimize blood pressure over long periods of time has been an invaluable tool to help me feel empowered about my health.
FYI, hypertension (high blood pressure) is the most common chronic disease in the world, and it’s the most common cause of heart disease, stroke, and kidney disease among many other diseases and conditions.
The primary factor of HTN is time – the longer a person’s blood pressure is above the optimal range, the higher the risk of BP-driven diseases.
This pioneering system uses Aktiia’s proprietary algorithms to obtain and analyze optical signals from blood vessels in your skin to calculate systolic BP, diastolic BP, and pulse rate. It does this automatically throughout the day, night, weeks, months, and years while wearing Aktiia, keeping you aware of your health.
Lightweight (you cannot even feel the bracelet on your wrist), chic with its streamlined face and strap, and most importantly, vital in providing you with stats you cannot find in a bracelet, Aktiia is perfect for parents and our parents too (my Dad is wearing one as well, more on that to come).
It’s easy to use too.
You simply download the Aktiia app, connect it to the device and take an initial reading. Then you wear it over time, for optimum results. Find out more on Aktiia’s site.
Moving more
My priority is health over size and it goes without saying, that you can enjoy a Hot Mum Summer whatever your bodysize or shape. My personal goal is to become as strong as possible for my little (and now, bigger) people as I have a teen, tween and toddler to look after.
I’m hitting the gym a couple of times a week (thanks to my Mum looking after Florence), prioritising short busts of cardio (’cause I do love the treadmill and the endorphin-release) with longer periods of strength training and weight lifting (to increase bone density, build muscle and protect my joints) plus I’m hitting my 10k steps a day, mostly power walking Florence in her pram so she can nap. I’m also hogging the swings in the playground when I can, without any shame-ha!
I was walking an average of 20k steps a day when we lived in Windsor (above) and even whist pregnant, as I walked everywhere in that tiny town, so I’m trying to implement my old routine into my new North Leeds lifestyle, despite the fact everyone drives here! Getting out into nature is my favourite though, watching the blossom blooming and soaking up those breathtaking Yorkshire views from my folks’ house.
Meal prepping
A word I used to hate but which definitely sets me up for a more balanced week. When I make time to food-shop on a Saturday, meal planning the week ahead, all of the family’s diets naturally become healthier as we’re not reaching for as many snacks or ordering takeaways as much.
Everything in moderation, right- even moderation, as my Dad likes to remind me, but I’m trying to prioritise food in its most natural and healthiest state where possible (and now that this endless winter and period of comfort eating, is over), focusing on slow-releasing carbs, lean protein, healthy fats and lots of seasonal fruit and veg (with some Espresso Martinis and choc pud on a weekend for good measure). This naturally vegan, nutritious Tabbouleh Salad above is a family favourite. You can find the recipe on the blog here.
5 minutes a day of yoga
I always remember a former, wise yoga teacher informing me (when I had time to attend a class) that yoga helps you to respond not react when life gets tough-going and it’s stuck with me as an important exercise to help protect my mental health and build resilience.
I usually only get on the mat 5 minutes a day but those 5 minutes build up and the benefits go a long way. I love this old photo below of the boys getting involved in a quick at-home yoga session I was doing. You’re never too young or too old to start yoga!
I hope these tips are inspiring.
So, are you ready to join me for our Hot Mum Summer?
Let’s goooo!
This is a paid post with Atiika. All words are honest.
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Mumboss: The Honest Mum's Guide to Surviving and Thriving at Work and at Home
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The Working Mom: Your Guide to Surviving and Thriving at Work and at Home
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