kids brushing their teeth

Playbrush Ensures Kids Brush Their Teeth Properly While Having Fun


using Playbrush to brush teeth

Getting my kids, Oliver, 8 and Alexander, 5, to brush their teeth properly twice a day can often feel like a thankless task which is why I was truly relieved to discover Playbrush recently, a tool that has totally transformed teeth brushing for my two little boys. They now can’t wait to brush their teeth and have even been asking to brush after dinner making it a three times a day task. Wow!

Brushing teeth, as we know, is critical for oral health, preventing pain and decay. Teeth problems in kids can affect their entire lives too, resulting in missed school days, developmental problems with speech, dietary issues as they struggle to eat, and sleeping difficulties too.

Brushing twice a day will help remove bacteria and plaque ensuring they are healthy and well and Playbrush couldn’t make it easier or more fun.

So what is Playbrush?

kids brushing their teeth

Playbrush (as seen on Dragon’s Den) is a smart attachment you can fit any manual toothbrush into, which connects to a smartphone or tablet via Bluetooth enabling kids to play interactive mobile games with a brushing rewards system which motivates them to brush for the required 2 minutes and all around their mouths too.  

The games ensure kids brush ALL of their teeth, not just a quick dab in and out and they’re done, with Playbrush translating every brush stroke into game-play. The kids become competitive too thanks to the brushing rewards system which eggs them on as they brush. 


I can’t recommend Playbrush enough. 

Playbrush tool encourages kids to brush their teeth

Playbrush comes with 2 free games including brushing statistics, a reward system and a leaderboard to encourage competitive brushing and you can upgrade to more paid games and a monitoring feature for parents as well if you wish. During each 2-minute adventure, the gaming apps encourage children to brush at the correct speed and equally within all quadrants of the mouth.

My two loved the games and their gnashers have never looked so clean and sparkly!

They literally play their way to healthy teeth-yay!

I’ve been brushing along with them too for extra support.

The Playbrush comes with a plastic protector for your phone too which sticks to the bathroom tiles so no need for hand holding of your phone either. Playbrush have thought of everything.

family brushes their teeth using Playbrush

This is how easy it is to use:

  • Activate the Playbrush by charging.
  • Download the games in App and Google Play Stores
  • Insert and align the toothbrush
  • Turn on the Bluetooth
  • Connect to the game
  • Play and brush.

Now I understand not all parents want their kids to use technology and before bedtime either and while we have restrictions on use ourselves so they don’t over-use technology, this tools is educational, promotes health and only last a couple of minutes. It’s also brought a lot of joy to our morning and evening routine too.


100% of families agree with me that Playbrush makes brushing fun and has been proven to incentivise kids to brush for longer and more regularly.

Excitingly, the electric Playbrush Smart Sonic is out in September which we can’t wait for,  and is available to pre-order now with the company raffling off a Disneyland Paris trip when your preorder too-how cool is that?! Just head to their website to enter.

They will also be launching new mini games (on top of their 5 current games) and a brushing training application in the Autumn too. The brushing coach as well as 2 games will be available for all users (making a total 4 from the previously 2 free games) and the remaining games will be available via a subscription if you want to opt for the whole package. 

We wholeheartedly recommend the game-changing Playbrush.

Honest Mum and kids

Check out the video below for more info:

Order your Playbrush HERE and receive a 20% discount code when you use the code HONESTMUM at the checkout.

This is a sponsored campaign but as always, these are my honest thoughts.

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Playbrush Ensures Kids Brush Their Teeth Properly While Having Fun

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