young boy

The Perfect Saturday in Pictures

The Perfect Saturday in Pictures.

Saturday saw us head out in the sunshine for a glorious day at the most tranquil and captivating of Georgian mansions: Beningbrough Hall in York.

It was the day before spring had officially sprung but the gardens told us otherwise.

Dancing daffodils!

Spring Daffodils

Hello flower!


Playing in the most magical of playgrounds nestled within a forest style clearing, there is nowhere we’d rather be on the weekend.

With swings, slides, an area to build teepees with branches, the boys climbed, played, pushed and laughed for hours.

Playground at Beningbrough Hall in York.

happy child

Beningbrough Hall in York.swings at Beningbrough Hall in York.Beningbrough Hallplaying at Beningbrough Hallwoodlandyoung boy boychildsmall child Beningbrough Hall

So child-friendly Beningbrough leave little trikes and bikes scattered around the grounds so children can play and explore on wheels.

Peter and I took it in turns to give the boys an extra push on gravelly stretches overlooking scented gardens.

family fun

…Xander was sad to leave. We all were.

‘Can’t we just stay another hour Mama’.

‘We’ll be back to Beningbrough, son, we’ll be back’.


Thanks for having us Beningbrough Hall.

It truly was the most perfect of Saturdays.



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