It’s just my opinion but I’ve experienced a lot of ‘over-sharing’ of late on various social networking sites.
No, I don’t want to know when you last had sex, did a poo or ate at Nandos.
Enough with the adding location/checking in shizzle please. Great for stalkers/loons and ex-boyfriends to find you but you didn’t think of that did you? I get it, we’re all guilty of wanting to appear cool/ being seen in all the right places/ with all the right people/having a ‘brilliant’ life/ clever/beautiful kids…(fill the gaps)… it’s just started to bore the bejeezles out of me.
Your literally thousands of (*clears throat) ‘close’ friends online too, know more about you than your own family. Is that a good thing?
I also worry that people don’t consider how easy it is for current/future employers/ees to find out pretty much everything about you. Pictures of you giving birth might seem a bit a personal pre-interview.
Apply those private settings or just don’t add them on Twitter- and by all means, if it’s cathartic for you, share what you feel is appropriate but ‘appropriate’ is the operative word. If you wouldn’t discuss it in public, please for goodness sake don’t discuss it on a global platform. PR companies now exist specialising in ‘reputation management’ who help brand you online.
If you wouldn’t discuss it in public, please for goodness sake don’t discuss it on a global platform. PR companies now exist specialising in ‘reputation management’ who help brand you online.
Google is the first port of call for future employers so rants on public forums, bad reviews you’ve posted and drunken pictures can be found and effortlessly.
Yes blogging is a great way to share/discuss/debate matters personal and public but I for one always filter what I write, it’s impossible not to and friends and family read my posts so how could I not?!
I’d also like my kids to read my ramblings one day so I try to keep that at the back of my mind when I write. (Sorry I’ve sworn a lot in this one kiddies).
So take a moment and think. Do you want the world to read what you write? If so, great, just maybe consider if it might come back and bite you in the ass down the line and no, we don’t need to see you giving birth on FB.
Keep those for the family album.
Some things are sacred. Aren’t they?
Where do you stand on this?
Updated post.
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