I know, I know, clickbait-ey title or what (!) but what I’m going to impart is 100% candid and true…And life-changing to boot.
Walking has been a game-changer for me both physically and emotionally.
Moving to Windsor and walking all the freaking time has honestly changed my life.
You often don’t realise quite how stressed you are until you stop being stressed for a sweet minute or remove yourself from a stressful situation altogether. That’s how moving to Windsor felt for us as a family.
Last year was incredibly traumatic for many reasons and a change of scenery aka moving to a brand new city and starting again was just what the doctor ordered. Literally. A psychologist I used to see when life felt overwhelming encouraged me to move when I mentioned it, and it was absolutely the right thing for us too.
The relocation arose primarily from me needing to be in London frequently with my career (commuting from Yorkshire three times a week wasn’t pretty) and we collectively felt ready to spread our wings and return back South anyway. Peter and I get restless if we stay somewhere too long.
Now, with the move to Windsor came walking every single day and absolutely everywhere as well. We live near the centre and walking 15k steps and some days even 20k+ is a walk in the park for me, literally. Walking, and releasing those vital endorphins has meant feeling 1976469357054 x happier day in and day out. Even on the PMT days. I’m also leaner than I was before despite the indulgent Christmas and half-term holidays stuffing my face, and most importantly, my mental health is stronger than ever.
Pounding the pavement lets me process my day/ said stress and gives me greater control over the toughest of situations. It allows me to breathe.
I received a Fitbit for Christmas too which keeps me accountable and motivated, and we’ve even decided to sell our car for a smaller run-around because we walk so much so barely use it!
And here’s the thing, we can ALL find time to walk. We just need to make it a priority. I look at exercise now as a means to safeguard my mental and physical health, something I must do every day as a means of self-care. It’s never something on the back-burner and in turn helps me become more productive as I’m not running on empty. Exercise like nourishing food is what keeps the motor running.
Walking also helps me deal with the on-going grief of losing my auntie and helps me let off steam when life feels topsy turvy. There’s nothing like some Japanese style Forest Therapy to help me unwind.
You don’t have to walk towards a crazy number on your Fitbit either, you just need to commit to getting out and about and moving that body of yours and ideally in a fast or power walk to get your heart rate up. You need to fill your lungs with fresh air and smelling the roses whilst you’re at it. Today, tomorrow and every single day. Once you get used regular exercise, it becomes your default and luckily that endorphin-release is addictive too. I smashed 3 walks yesterday, did the school-run and made two deadlines.
I promise you, regular, fun exercise is possible and furthermore, you owe it to yourself.
Go treat yourself to some new trainers (I’m obsessed with my new Nike Pegasus ones) and hit the streets. You won’t be sorry!
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Mumboss: The Honest Mum's Guide to Surviving and Thriving at Work and at Home
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