With much glee and great relief, I handed in my final manuscript of Mumboss the book on Friday. Wow. A whole year’s work in one mound of papers done, dusted and delivered. 63,000 words (ish) written. The final draft is never a digital one in the book world as any last minute changes to my penultimate draft had to be done by hand, and not wanting to risk Royal Mail (Special Delivery or not) I handed it in, in person, with my pal Libby in tow, before we celebrated with Prosecco and Burrata at The Rosewood Hotel.
I’m a ball of tangled nerves and excitement right now, anticipating it’s release on May 3rd, with a mission to inspire a wealth of mumbosses in its wake, a personal book sharing all that I know.
It’s funny working on something tirelessly for so long then having to let it go. To allowing it to breathe new life and be consumed. No one bar my editor has read it yet. But, you could write and rewrite for ever but must force yourself to stop and bravely release your art out into the world (something I advise in the book myself).
So I’ve accepted the writing process has ended and now the PR drive begins.
Endings and beginnings were in fact, the theme of last week as it goes, as a work relationship of mine also came to a natural end, and simultaneously another one has begun. It’s that ‘cycle of life’ stuff again. Endings and beginnings. Stops and starts.
Sometimes a little messy emotionally, but so often the right thing for all involved.
I declared 2018 the year of self-care, of putting myself and my own goals both at work and at home, in check in order to do my best for all.
That means obtaining balance, and in many respects, control over my life and career. To stand up for the things that I believe in, to follow my gut at all times, and to protect and nurture those precious dreams of mine which keep me going, even in the face of grave adversity.
Vitally, this year is the year of fun for me: in relishing in everything my hard work will hopefully bring…To feeling stimulated and nourished. To as much quality time with my incredible husband and kids as possible. To pushing myself out of my comfort zone, time and time again, and following my own flipping advice more, as per my book and this here, blog.
What I love most about these sweet, SWEET digital times is the unexpectedness of it all. The fact that posting my first blog post back in 2010 has led to so many wonderful, and frankly, weird af experiences over a thus-far, 7 year blogging career. To opening my inbox and never quite knowing what I’ll find waiting for me. To meeting women on the street who’ve kindly shared with me that my words matter, that in some cases they freaking changed their lives.
…To the smiles on my kids’ faces as they delight in creative opportunities be it writing adverts and collaborating with TV Chefs and Popstars to once-in-a lifetime holidays and experiences borne thanks to this blog, these very words on a screen in a moving diary that is accessible to all. To either create for themselves or to consume.
So it’s time for a brand new start here at Honest Mum and yet the same old in many ways too. A return to how I felt when I first started this blog, to that excitement of what if? and a little trepidation for good measure too.
So I’m toasting to the unexpected and what life might bring. To the unknown, the surprises and the joy I hope will come.
Let’s not fear the goodbyes huh, for they’re there for a reason and without them, we’d never experience new chapters both in life or at work.
You can preorder Mumboss HERE.
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My debut book is my guide to surviving and thriving at work and at home and offers insight into how to create a digital business or return to work with confidence.
Mumboss: The Honest Mum's Guide to Surviving and Thriving at Work and at Home
(UK 2nd Edition)
Available on Amazon or Audible
The Working Mom: Your Guide to Surviving and Thriving at Work and at Home
(US/Canada Edition)
Available September 8th 2020. Order now on Amazon