
Model Mama-Some Very Exciting News!

modellingSo you might remember this shot of me from a post that went live a few weeks ago, for the gorgeous designer baby bag brand Nova Harley of the Ultimate Baby Bag Company who gifted me their Manhattan bag in lemon…well since that image was published here, I was contacted again by Nova Harley for some BIG news (eek!)….and boy did it made my day, forget day, it made my entire YEAR!

Let’s rewind though…the first email I received when the post went up was truly touching, they remarked that they thought I looked like a model and out-shined the bag. Such a lovely thing to read on an early Friday morning…I thought nothing more of it but it sure did give me a spring in my step as let’s face it, running around looking after little people and meeting deadlines can often mean a wane in confidence every so often, so lovely, appreciate words go a long, LONG way…

Then, a few days later, a FABULOUS email lands in my inbox that literally made me jump for joy-Nova Harley wanted to use me to model lots of beautiful bags from their collection including this stunning Manhatten bag WORLDWIDE with a shoot last week and another planned next with the fabulous Kirsty Mattsson.

I sill can’t believe they want me to MODEL for them-wow! This means various images of me will be on their UK and US websites, their catalogue, look book, media pack and I’ll be in stockists stores here and abroad (all over the flipping world)-I’m simply stunned.

Thanks so, SO much Nova Harley, you’ve made this Mama very proud (and her whole, entire family who will no doubt want to do a worldwide Nova Harley tour to snap me in store too)…

So look out world as you might just be seeing a little more of me!

..And if you missed it, my eldest son Oliver models for Nutmeg at Morrison’s supermarket in a national campaign featuring in HUGE posters in store as well as online. Such a proud day!

child modelling

So that’s my news!

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