mixed berry crumble

Mixed Berry Oat Crumble

How To Make Mixed Berry Oat Crumble By Honest Mum

This mixed berry oat crumble is one of my all-time favourites and I’m known as the queen of crumbles in this house as I spent most of my revision period making crumbles to ease my nerves before taking my GCSE’s.

Oats are slow releasing and Oliver even enjoyed this for breakfast one morning!

Traditionally enjoyed in the winter, you can make it in the summer and add ice cream too.

mixed berry crumble


Let me know if you make this creamy crumble for the family.


Mixed Berry Crumble


mixed berry crumble


Serves 4

  • 300g mixed berries – raspberries, cranberries and blackberries. 
  • 2 tbsp water/apple juice
  • 90g honey, melted
  • 60g unsalted butter, cut into pieces
  • 120g wholemeal flour
  • 120g oats
  • sprinkle of cinnamon
  • double cream to serve (optional)

mixed berry crumble

autumn dessert


Preheat the oven to 200 C / Gas 6. Grease a shallow baking dish. Add the berries to a covering the bottom of the dish. Cover with water or apple juice.

In a separate bowl, mix (I like to use my fingers) the butter, honey, oats, flour and cinnamon with a fork until the mixture resembles coarse crumbs. Sprinkle over the berries.

Bake in the preheated oven until the crumble is golden and berries are bubbly for about 25 minutes.

Serve the oat crumble warm or cool for the kids.

Read more recipes.

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