


My day in London yesterday was pretty awesome. I had a fab meeting with someone I really *shouting/thinking good thoughts- REALLY hope to work with soon to serious fun and slap up lunches/dinners/pre lunch/dinners (basically eating all day) with my sister from another mister, feature filmmaker Amancay and I even got to meet very cool blogger Zaz from Mama and More for drinks at my second home in the Big Smoke, The Charlotte Street Hotel.

Although it wasn’t a shopping trip, I simply couldn’t resist my favourite vintage designer boutique/exchange Bang Bang on Goodge Street (I spent many lunch hours and most of my wages there, 10 years ago in my first job in the film industry and keep coming back) and picked up the prettiest sparkly cream J Crew sequin vest for £25…I’m sure it will be turning up over on my style blog Mummy’s Got Style soon for you all to see!

…And before I know it, I’ll be back in London again as next week is BritMums Live and I’m a finalist in the BritMums’ Brilliance in Blogging Awards in the Video Category *booty shakes all round. Zalando are dressing me for the conference/awards so today I need to select dresses/outfits fit for a winner/or erm, a loser! What a lovely start to my Tuesday! If you’re attending the 2 day kick ass event then please come say hi as I would LOVE to meet you! For those who missed it the first time and want some tips to get into video blogging, do check out my video below for BritMums! See some of you soon! Mwah x

Photograph ©Vicki Psarias-Broadbent.

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