He loves it really!

Little Man Turns 1

Well what a year it’s been….

One emergency C section ( nothing ‘posh’ about not being able to get out of bed or sneeze or feel normal for that matter, for months on end), 2 house moves to 2 different cities, 1 incredibly active, funny, lovable baby, lots of joy (everyone), lots of tears of frustration (him and me) and most importantly lots and lots of laughs (the whole Big Fat Greek Family).

Well it’s some milestone having a baby in the first place and now another massive one that he’s turned 1.

Everyone warned me it would happen so quickly but when you’ve not slept for…for well, forever you can’t imagine that baby you cradled home that very special day (or 4 days later if you had a C section) would ever turn 1. That those tiny perfect hands and feet would morph into large yet perfect size 3 and a half’s with a width of H (don’t worry if you’re not there yet, you will be soon) and your quiet little newborn who you boasted in those first deceptive weeks as ‘never crying’ (oh how naive) is now an active, all dancing, all prancing (I know he’s not a reindeer but you get the gist) happy little man who calls everyone Mama and Dada and who is a total Mummy’s boy (sorry Daddy but it’s true) and can even fly his own electric helicopter (clever boy) aged 1.

My little man is becoming a toddler and I’m still coming to terms with the fact I even have a little man who I, little me made and am now responsible for.

You see I feel like it’s not just he who’s turned 1 but that I have too. It’s my 1 year birthday of being a mother. How utterly amazing this beautiful, unconditional, all consuming love is that I have for this little 1 year old who makes my life worth living and who I wouldn’t change for the world. So we celebrated with champagne, gourmet pizzas thanks to my brother’s Italian restaurant Giorgios and a fabulous ‘In the Night Garden Cake’ for my big friends and Oliver’s little friends. Now that’s what I call a 1 year old and Mummy’s 1st year at well being a Mummy’s party….Now for that elusive one full night’s sleep and all will be well with the world.

Happy Birthday Baby O, you are my sunshine,

Love Honest Mum x

Photograph ©Peter Broadbent.

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