curly hair

Letting My Wild Hair Go Free

vicki picture

Going on holiday and the proceeding weeks (not my usual regular shoot after shoot kind of weeks) have led me to a realisation, somewhat of a (hair) epiphany, if you like.

I LOVE my locks WILD like my spirit!

Curls suit my character and whilst my mind-of-its-own mane was super straight as a child until the dreaded pubescent hormones kicked in at 13, a catalyst to waves first then full-on curly mode, just like my Mama’s before me, I’ve spent a LONG time (35 years long) blow drying the heck out of it. And now I can see I was ironing out its personality. My personality.

That’s not to say I don’t enjoy experimenting with my locks. I really do and always will. Like make-up and fashion, the way I look on any given day reflects a moment in time, trends, my mood, an occasion- and I’ll sculpt, straighten and put it up when I feel like…but for the most part I’m just going to let it be free (and by free I mean mammoth, long, natural curls with a little help from my friends John Freida and his Frizz Ease products of course).

Because guess what? I feel totally myself when it’s one big, curly cascade that takes me back to my roots (literally) and have noticed it softens my face and simply, suits me.

And I’m all for doing me and you doing you.

The only question I have is why it’s taken me 35 years to get here. To feeling this way.

A little bit like accepting my body and who I am: I’m surprising myself every day, folks. I’m finding that the things I once assumed were flaws might actually be strengths and in some cases, a thing of beauty.

And just like that, I feel like a grown-up.

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Letting My Wild Hair Go Free

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