Fearne Cotton needs no introduction but in case you’ve been living on Mars, Fearne is a mum, broadcaster, podcaster, radio and TV presenter and fashion designer. She’s all-round mumboss who is down-to-earth and hilariously funny too. I adored meeting and interviewing her at the launch of her second kids’ collection for Boots Mini Club last week and it’s an absolutely pleasure sharing her answers here on the blog.
You can also shop the collection here.
Describe a typical day for you?
There is no set routine ever, the only routine is that the kids wake up so early every day and I neck a load of coffee. It could involve me doing the school run, staying at home with the kids all day, writing at home or out at events…every day is different and I love that.
What do you feel are your biggest achievements?
Biggest achievements are my children, it’s the best thing ever and raising them with the core beliefs I have and instilling good manners in them always makes me feel very proud when they are polite and treat people nicely. From a work perspective, being able to help people, whether it’s writing books or charity work… they’re the bits that that feel impactful and like I’ve done some good.
What’s in your handbag/ satchel?
There’s a cuddly octopus in there made out of a sock that I’ve just found! There’s also various notebooks with lists of things I need to buy and interview notes or research for my podcast. Always a flask of tea, lip balm and probably a nappy in there too just in case.
What are your ambitions in life?
To keep being honest and peel back more layers and do as much work in that area as I can. I’d love to meet lots of interesting people along the way and share their stories and learn from them.
What do you wish you’d known at the start of your career you now know?
I don’t think I’d change much, you have to start off eager and naïve to learn the hard way and get the lessons. I’d probably just say don’t beat yourself up too much and just like who you are, don’t try and be anyone else.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years’ time?
Hopefully still working, as there’s no guarantees in this industry! For my kids to be flourishing, growing, enjoying school, making friends and them to be happy and for me and Jesse to still be having a lovely time together.
What advice would you give a budding presenter and broadcaster?
Whatever you’re doing and passionate about just don’t take no for an answer. If you do get told no, it doesn’t mean it’s a dead end, it just means you have to find a different route. Keep looking for new routes, it just might not be the one you presume. I thought I’d always be a presenter and broadcaster but what I’m doing now feels more fulfilling and gives me more in life. You’re not on one path going in one direction, be open minded.
What do you wish you’d known about motherhood before having kids?
You get told so much, it’s more about what you discover along the way. You can never imagine the love, but I wish I’d known in the early days that you get used to being tired. It’s not like that forever, but you’re fine and you get used to new way of being.
Finally, happiness is…
Happiness is…. acceptance.
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