Musician, former Sugababe, and mum of two, Heidi Range is one of the NSPCC’s Campaigners for Childhood, and is excited to be spreading the word of the important work being done by the NSPCC across the UK, including their latest collaboration with Omaze.
Omaze offer raffle-style opportunities to win incredible houses and other exciting prizes such as cash prizes and cars and in 2021, the NSPCC’s previous partnership with Omaze raised over £1,000,000 for Childline. This time, the partnership raised £2,150,000 for their Speak out. Stay safe programme, which helps children to understand the signs of abuse and where to get help.
It’s a pleasure to interview Heidi on the blog.
Describe a typical day for you?
A typical day for me would be to drop my eldest daughter Aurelia off at school and then head to a toddler class or the park with my little one Athena for the morning.
We usually head home for her lunch and then I will have mine and prepare dinner while she has her afternoon nap. I wake her up just before 3pm and then we walk to Aurelia’s school to pick her up and go to the park for a play. I’ll usually stop off at the supermarket on the way home as I always forget something and Aurelia always talks me into getting her a treat.
We then go home for dinner followed by the bath and bedtime routine. Once the girls are in bed, my husband and I will have dinner and I’ll then lay everything out for the next morning. If Alex, my husband, isn’t going to be around to help, it’s like a military operation getting both girls out the door on time so I like to have everything ready before I go to bed, even the cereal is waiting in the bowls. If I’m not shattered, we’ll watch a couple of episodes of a series, something like Modern Family.
What do you feel are your greatest achievements?
My greatest achievements without a doubt are my two babies. I feel like the luckiest person in the world to have them and loving them and watching them grow is my greatest gift.
What’s in your handbag/ satchel?
Keys, makeup, bank cards, diary, sunglasses and sanitizer
What are your ambitions in life?
To travel lots, be a kind person, be a good role model to my daughters, push myself out of my comfort zone and to remember to appreciate all my blessings and the small precious moments like cuddling my babies asleep.
What do you wish you’d known at the start of your career you now know?
Don’t waste your energy on nerves. People are there watching you to see you do well and to have a good time.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
I’ve been living in London for 22 years now (that makes me feel very old!) But we have recently decided that we’re going to move out to Surrey for more space and a slower pace. I would like to be enjoying the outdoors more and spending more quality time with friends and family. Also, as the girls get a bit bigger, it would be nice to travel to some more exotic/adventurous destinations.
What advice would you give a budding performer?
Keep going and don’t give up. If it lights up your soul then it’s worth it.
What advice would you give to a new parent?
Do what works for you and your family. Every baby and families needs are different. Remember that all parents have tough days, even though some might pretend not too. We all find it hard at times, that doesn’t take away from how much we love our children. Stop comparing yourself and remember that you mean the world to your little ones.
How have you recently been involved with the NSPCC and their Omaze campaign?
I’m an NSPCC Campaigner for Childhood and have been supporting the children’s charity on their Omaze partnership, which raised £2,150,000 towards their vital work. I’ve also been supporting the NSPCC with their Childhood Day fundraising day that took place on 9th June. My daughter, Aurelia, designed this lovely t-shirt which can be purchased on the NSPCC’s website. She was asked to design a picture that represented childhood and play, we’re thrilled with the results!
Finally, happiness is…
My family.
Photo credit: Johnathan Hordle.
Read more Wonderful Women interviews.
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