Julie Colan’s company Secret Whispers was announced as one of the top 100 trailblazing small businesses in the UK by Small Business Saturday UK which led to an invite to The House of Lords, where she encouraged those in attendance to, ‘do their Kegels’!
Julie started Secret Whispers after she couldn’t find any adequate products to help improve her pelvic floor. She is breaking the taboo of incontinence and encourages women to talk openly about incontinence and not accept it as normal after childbirth or with age, and that something can be done about it.
With over 50% of women experiencing weak pelvic floor issues, Julie is on a mission to ensure all women are educated and supported.
Describe a typical day for you?
A typical week day for me means getting up at 5:30am so I can have some peace and quiet before the rest of my family wakes up. I absolutely cherish this little bubble of quiet time before the day begins. I like to start the day with a hot water drink with salt and lemon, which is great for the digestive system, and which really wakes me up. Then it’s time for some reading and yoga. I find this really sets me up for the day mentally and physically. I also LOVE making a to-do list for the day ahead. I find if I don’t write one, I end up becoming distracted and losing track of all of the tasks I need to complete. I do a quick tidy-up and before I know it, I’m waking everyone else up, dropping my sons off to school and getting myself into the office.
What do you feel are your greatest achievements?
This is an easy one. Without a doubt, my proudest achievements are my two sons. I’m so proud watching them grow into such thoughtful young men with funny personalities.
Then, professionally, I’m proud of being able to help so many women improve their pelvic floor strength and regain control of their bladders. Honestly, every time I receive a review, email, or message from a woman telling me the difference my Kegel Weights have made to their life, I literally do a little dance. There is no feeling like knowing you’ve made such a positive impact on someone’s life.
Hearing Secret Whispers Kegel Weights mentioned live on air not long after I had started the business up was another highlight.
I actually had the Chris Evans Radio Show on my goal board (although at the time I had no idea how it could happen) so when the lovely news and weather presenter, Rachel Horne, mentioned how she had her first dry run after using Secret Whispers Kegel Weights on air, it meant a lot. My phone was ringing non-stop and my laptop buzzing after that and I sold out in 11 minutes!
I have also won numerous awards which is incredible. I had no idea when setting up Secret Whispers that I would receive so much recognition to be honest. Being able to open taboo conversations on bladder incontinence and help so many women, is truly fulfilling.
What’s in your handbag/ satchel?
I carry a big laptop backpack so I can either work from home or from the office. I always carry one of my Kegel Kits as I never know who I might meet who might be interested in seeing it. I also always carry a pack of playing cards too. We’re that family you see at the pub or at a restaurant who play cards together.
What are your ambitions in life?
To keep pushing myself out of my comfort zone. I remember feeling incredibly nervous the first time I spoke on stage, so much so, I was shaking but, I did it and I felt amazing afterwards. My mantra is, ‘If it scares you and it’s legal, you must do it!’
What do you wish you’d known at the start of your career you now know?
You will never please everyone. There will always be someone who wants to see you fall. My first experience with a troll online, really shook me up. It took weeks to get past it (probably longer) but I’m lucky to be surrounded by wonderful people who have helped me understand that this person’s anger and rude comments are a reflection of them and not me and to never ever engage with them or let anyone else hurt me in that way again.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?
‘The world is your lobster’. This is what I have on my downstairs toilet wall, and it makes me smile every time I see it. I honestly have no idea what five years will bring. I just want to ensure I have a good balance between family, health and work.
What advice would you give a budding entrepreneur?
Take it slow. At the start, everyone is full of energy and ideas but you need to keep that energy going. Make a clear map of what you want to achieve and be prepared to change tactics when something doesn’t work. Be strict with your time. Say ‘no’ when you need to and do so without guilt. If your gut instinct makes you think something feels wrong – it most likely is wrong. Stick to your plan, and your morals. Also, ask for help and reach out to others who can guide and mentor you.
What advice would you give to a new parent?
It’s a rollercoaster of emotions and conflicting advice. Only you know your baby and your instinct is always right. Don’t judge other parents and don’t let them impose their views on to you either. Just enjoy watching this little person grow into their beautiful personality. Parenting really is the hardest job in the world but so worth it. Time goes by so fast so cherish every moment before they’re teenagers and won’t be seen walking with you!
Finally, happiness is…
Seeing my sons giggling together. I love the great relationship they have together. Spending time as a family is always wonderful and running a business that helps women gives me great happiness too, of course.
You can buy Julie’s Pelvic Floor Toner HERE.
Buy my bestselling book in paperback or audio
My debut book is my guide to surviving and thriving at work and at home and offers insight into how to create a digital business or return to work with confidence.
Mumboss: The Honest Mum's Guide to Surviving and Thriving at Work and at Home
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Available on Amazon or Audible
The Working Mom: Your Guide to Surviving and Thriving at Work and at Home
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Available September 8th 2020. Order now on Amazon