Here with film actor friends of mine Angela Dixon and Solveig Haugen.
Bonjour mes amis, I’m excitingly off to the Cannes Film Festival for a long weekend away and I simply cannot wait.
This will be my 4th time at one of the oldest, largest and most glamorous film festivals in the world, offering me my annual dose of world cinema, red carpets, decadent parties and delicious food. Please don’t hate me!
I’ll be attending the festival with my publicist and friend Hayley and one of my best mates, feature film casting director Nicci Topping of Nicci Topping Casting, below whom I had an incredible time with last year.
I’m hoping to hang out with talented actor friends Angela and Solveig above too; Angela is the lead in an action thriller screening in Cannes this year which is exciting and I’ve featured an inspiring interview with her on the blog HERE.
I’m sad my sister from another mister, film director Amancay Tapia can’t make it this time (some excuse about a movie to make, tut tut) and she will be missed.
I love that it’s a gorgeous window of girly fun, dancing until sunrise and just being me again (the same girl that attended at 21 for her very first film festival).
I must note I missed my kids so much last year I had a couple of teary wobbles during my 5 day stay, so I’m just going for a long weekend this time, before my little family and I are luckily jetting off to Jamaica with Beaches Resorts, a few days after my return.
Believe me when I say how grateful I am that this blog brings opportunities like these to my door. I don’t take any of this for granted.
…If you want to read about the ball I had in Cannes last year, do head to my post ‘My Time at the Cannes Film Festival‘.
Last year’s festival with Amancay
Cannes 2014 was one of the best years yet, I got to meet Quentin Tarantino, found some of the most fun parties the festival had to offer, and watched mind-blowing films I couldn’t have seen anywhere else in the world.
It was pretty wonderful to combine my career as a filmmaker and pro-blogger in Cannes as I mingled with the press, and cast and crew alike for a seriously stimulating and fun time. I can’t wait to see what this year has to offer.
I’ll be doing a little shoot for a campaign for Jacques Vert while I’m there and I must thank them, and Fever London for the simply stunning dresses gifted to me for the festival.
Before I forget, bloggers, please note my #tastytuesdays recipe linky will be hosted on the fabulous Steph of Misplaced Brit’s blog on Tuesday but I’ll be back in time for #brilliantblogposts, so shall catch all your posts soon!
If you want to keep track of my riviera adventures, do check out my Twitter feed @honestmummy while I’m away, and Instagram too HERE, and of course I’ll be blogging about it all on my return,
A bientôt x
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