Height-Boosting Supplements for Children by TruHeight

Partnered post.

My middle child, Alexander, 10, has become a fussy eater over the past few years which I think might be in response to the pandemic and the disruption it caused his school-life and extra curricular activities. It was a tough time for everyone, particularly children and the healing of that period will take time. I’ve noticed Alexder is eating fewer fruits and veggies than before so it’s been reassuring working with TruHeight supplements over the past few months to help support his diet with their health-boosting growth vitamin supplements and shakes.

My eldest son, Oliver,  is tall for his age and I’m hoping Alexander, and my daughter Florence, respectively, will all follow suit.

Whilst I’m often lovingly referred to as, ‘tall for a Greek girl’ by my family, I’m of average height at 5’5 1/2 whereas my husband is 6’1″ so I’m hopeful my children will all take after him.

Not wanting to take any risks (!) I’m supplementing my sons’ diets with TruHeight Growth Protein Shake (in delicious vanilla, and chocolate flavours which are suitable for 5+) as well as TruHeight multivitamins (with Indian Ginseng) daily, and TruHeight sleep dietary supplements at night (also 5+) which the boys take 20 minutes before bed to help aid sleep.

Insomnia stalls and hinders growth and both my sons have experienced insomnia historically.

The sleep supplements include Ashwagandha, a natural, anti-stress medicinal root which improves the quality of sleep (and it helps my own sleep, knowing their getting quality sleep thanks to it)!

The daily multivitamins’ also help boost sleep quality thanks to its inclusion of Indian Ginseng, a medicinal herb which improves sleep.

Alexander, a light sleeper usually, is now sleeping a 10 hours a night thanks to both these supplements complimenting one another, which is a huge improvement on his previous 8 hours sleep a night.

Quality sleep enables the body to grow and equally heal naturally, not to mention the mental health boost sleep provides.

The multivitamin also includes two key growth-boosting vitamins Calcium and Vitamin D which work together to increase bone density-by building and maintaining bones and Vitamin D which helps the body effectively absorb Calcium.

The Growth Protein Shake, specificially for children, is ideal in a smoothie at breakfast here. I add 2 scoops of the vanilla flavour to 12-16fl oz of water/ smoothie with berries, banana and mango/ whatever we have in.

Xander loves to have his vitamin-boosting smoothie with his cereal.

The chocolate flavoured shake we’ve found, is ideal with milk or either flavour can be enjoyed in water.

Creamy, delicious and nutritious, this healthy shake is a great way to ensure your kids are getting the nutrients they need to grow, thrive and be healthy.

According to TruHeights, these vitamins and shakes are recommended to be taken for 6 months to see tangible growth.

Have you tried them?

Read more posts here.



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