Urgh, today was a bit of a tough day. I’ve admittedly been oversensitive and overtired (no doubt interrelated), so much so, it’s gotten me pondering whether there’s a full moon out there or it’s just what it is: a bad day.
Isn’t it funny that when you slow down more (it’s half-term here), tiredness hits you smack bang in the face? The fact you don’t have to get up early, sort lunchboxes, PE kits and get to school on time before the juggle of work, attending assemblies, after-school clubs and everything else should see you happy as Larry but you’re really grumpy af because you’re drained af. It’s hitting the pause button that suddenly makes you realise how much you actually do every single day.
I have to say I feel my work/life balance is better than it’s ever been, especially now that the final draft of my book is in but I’m still doing a lot. We all are whether we work or not. Kids are full-on and today my two have argued for most of it. Nice.
I’m also up and down with grief about losing my beloved auntie and second-mum Zak. I still can’t believe it and miss speaking to her every single day.
I’m sorry to be a Debbie Downer right now but I wanted share my grumpiness so if you’re feeling the same or that life is a little bit overwhelming/s***/unfair (insert as appropriate) then you’re not alone.
We all have rubbish days. Traumatic days. Days that feel like they might never end.
I miss my folks and feel flipping relieved to be going home to Leeds tomorrow for a few days that will consist of delicious homemade food, a hell of lot of hugs and laughter, as well of course, a much-needed hand with the kids.
I know I’m lucky they are just a few hours drive away because sometimes it feels like oceans apart.
I love living in Windsor, we are so happy here but I wish I could transport those I live here too.
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to go wallow a bit more because hormones are annoying, so are full moons (if there even is one) and sleep deprivation is still as bad as it always was despite my kids being 5 and 8. Yes people, my kids are still coming into our bed at night some nights and I am TIRED. I often laugh at the thought of new mums asking me if my baby had slept through the night. If only I knew then they’d still be waking up NOW. ARGH!
Anyway, onwards…Here’s to a better day for all of us tomorrow hey?!
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Mumboss: The Honest Mum's Guide to Surviving and Thriving at Work and at Home
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