oliver running

Funny Things My Kid Says

oliver runningMy cheeky chappy!

I love fab friend and blogger Susan K Mann’s regular The Funny Things My Children Say posts and this week my 2 and 10 month old child Oliver has cracked me up daily so I thought I’d share his musings with you too.

…Oliver is often confused for a much older child as his language skills and vocabulary are pretty astounding. He’s also bilingual (*proud face)…I actually started speaking at 6 months old (really-if you meet me, this won’t surprise you, I talk a lot) so I think he might have taken after his Mama.

These are some of funny things he’s said recently:

Giving my Mum a back rub (What? He loves it):

“Yiayia (Grandma in Greek)  please stop talking, I’m trying to concentrate on the massage”. (That told her).

On my upcoming birthday:

“What d’you want for your birthday Mama? I can make you chocolate cake if you like. Do you want diamonds Mama”. Oh yes, Mama wants diamonds son.

Ordering food at my parent’s restaurant:

“I want seabass. Actually, let me see the menu (pretends to read it). I want swordfish. Swordfish and chips please. And hummous”.  A foodie already-who could blame him.

I caught him trying to clean the toilet with the toilet brush:

“I’m cleaning the toilet Mama because my poo was stuck there”. Oh.

Riding his pride and joy-a life size tractor.

“I’d like to be a farmer Mama. You can call me farmer Oliver Mama if you like”. Ok Farmer Oliver.

In the car, driving along-suddenly:

“Daddy have you got a big willy or a small willy?”. I have no words.

What crazy shizzle have your kids been saying recently?

Photograph © Peter Broadbent.

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