Florence Turns 22 Months Old

Eek, we’ve hit the 22 month mark with little Miss Florence and as we hurtle towards 2 whole years of our sweetheart being earthside, so much has changed in just this past month alone.

Florence’s allergies have disapeared thanks to two months of Enterosgel (always ask your doctor for advice) meaning she’s now eating dairy, egg and soya after 10 months of having to abstain. Hello M&S quiches I’m currently obsessed with (I eat the inside only as I’m following a low carb diet) and quicker, easier as well as nutritious (bar a bit too much ice cream for dessert) meals for her.

Her sleep has massively improved too (perhaps there’s some correlation between more sleep and her new diet) and wow, does a little more sleep (in this case, quite a lot more) go a long way for us all. 22 months on and I feel almost human! Almost.

Speaking of zzzzs, Florence slept like a baby (who sleeps) during her second trip to the Motherland of Cyprus in August thanks to swimming most days. We discovered her water baby status last year and she swam with even more confidence this summer.

Florence loves an active life so holidays suit her.

Wearing Angela and Rocket, she transformed into a pretty flower fairy at my cousin Georgia’s wonderful wedding in Larnaca, and unsurprisingly, she was still on the dancefloor at 10pm whilst the rest of us, well, needed a rest. I almost wept when I mentioned Cyprus to her the other day, unsure if she’s even know what I was on about only for her to reply, ‘Cyprus, up there, aeroplane, up in the sky’.

I saviour these little chats of ours and the fact that we can have more meaningful conversations now that she’s a little older and more mature. She can communicate her feelings and needs more clearly these days be it telling me she’s hungry, ‘Food Mummy, food’ and even what she’d like to eat (she asked for chicken, tonight) or informing me that she needs a nap or is ready for bed with, ‘Florence tired’.

She’s made giant leaps with potty training too (we are following her lead whilst offering encouragement) and she’s almost there.

Brilliantly, all of this progress makes the guessing game of those early days and months seem like a distant memory.

Exhausting a list of questions whenever she would cry, asking myself if she was hungry, needed to sleep, had pooped etc. has now been replaced with Florence telling me what she’s feeling or doing which makes my job of mothering that much easier.

Ditto with her telling me what she wants to do every day from watching Peppa Pig to her fave: the local playground.

Her big brothers remain her best friends (and hopefully always will be) but she’s widened her circle some more as I’ve made a few new toddler mum friends and it’s been heartwarming to see her play, chat and share with her peers on recent playdates.


Not all days are perfect but life as a parent seems to have reached a turning point where the day-to-day isn’t as hard as it once was.If you’re reading this with a newborn in your arms or even a 21 month old who isn’t a fan of sleep like Florence wasn’t just a month ago, hang tight, life improves and they all end up sleeping in the end.

Aww 22 months of loving Florence.

This really is a beautiful age.

Florence Turns 22 Months Old

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