Florence Turns 17 Months Old!

Florence turns 17 months old!

Happy 17 months darling Florence and what a smart, strong, determined, chatty and loving little girl you are.

You’ve changed, and enriched our lives in a million and one ways; you unknowingly made us move cities, the boys changed schools and I only work one day a week (and somehow keep my business and work-dreams going) so we don’t have to be apart and can make precious memories together as much as possible. You’re always grinning, dancing, running around and squeeling with excitement.

You’ve re-energised this family and made us all closer thanks to our collective bond with you. Your love, zest for life and adventure-seeking ways inspire us every day, to stop, appreciate the moment and live with a capital L.

Foodie/ food-thief, petit pois obsessive (see smiley pea in the teeth snap above), bilingual baker extraordinaire already (thanks to Grandma/ Yiayia) football-loving, contagiously-funny, cuddly, caring little Florence, we’re completely besotted with you. Even though you’re not a fan of sleep!

How lucky am I to be your Mama, you beautiful baby girl!

Photos taken at press stays/ days out at Raithwaite Estate and Nostell Priory. Pram gifted by Anex Baby. Fluffy jacket was a brilliant charity shop find!

Read more posts on our lives here.

Florence Turns 17 Months Old!

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