
Florence Turns 11 Weeks Old

baby Florence

I cannot cope with how cute my sweet babe Florence is!

She is a doll!

I wish time could stand still right now as this baby period is just so precious. The honey-scented skin, soft cubby cheeks to kiss and sweet cuddles to behold are simply heaven-sent. Flroence is a gift!


I equally, can’t wait to see the little girl, and woman, Florence will become. She has a big personality already (unsurprisingly) and knows her own mind, grinning her contagious, cute gummy smile at us whenever she’s happy, and spitting her dummy out whenever she’s not.

Florence has also spent the past few weeks synchronising her hand towards her mouth to push her bottle away when she’s full which is pretty remarkable for such a small dot of a human being like her.

At her last weigh-in she’d hit 10 lbs 9, plumping up from her premature birth weight of 6 lbs 4 where people would stop me in the street and ask if I was carrying a doll or a baby. She’s still a small bubs of a bundle but she’s growing rapidly, and thriving.

My mum has spent the past month with us (thankfully) and tells me daily how much Florence looks and behaves like me as a baby. Mum feels like she’s been transported back in time and is re-living raising me. It must be such a special, almost surreal experience for her and their bond is beautiful to witness.

I was the eldest child, and this little lady has two doting older brothers who shower her with attention and love 24/7. Their latest and most favourite way to entertain Florence is a Britain’s Got Talent style show in the lounge, where they perform various acts (violin, dancing, comedy), and she, Simon Cowell-like rates them in smiles. It’s delightful.


Oh Florence, thank for these 11 sweet weeks. We can’t remember life without you.


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