Florence Takes Her First Steps

crawling baby

On a rare day out with friends celebrating my birthday on Saturday, I missed a massive developmental milestone for my baby, Florence, just 1, who took three tiny steps for Daddy.

Florence walked and I wasn’t there to witness it. *Wail. Typical. How could she take her first steps whilst I was out toasting my birthday?!

Florence is literally my shadow 24/7 then on the day I decide to refuel, relax and get a little tipsy, she decides to walk. Thankfully she walked for me a few days later (yay) after only wanting to crawl or cling onto my legs, in the interim.

What I do know has undoubtedly helped with her walking is this stunning wooden walker from our favourites Petite Amelie. Florence has been pushing it around my parents’ wooden floors for weeks (we’re staying with my folks until our house sale completes) and it gave her the confidence to launch!

wooden walker by Petite Amelie

With sensory and musical activites on every side of the walker, this is a tool to harness balance and encourage walking but it’s also an activity centre which provides entertaining and educational activities for your baby/toddler. It stimulates baby’s walking skills and also their little minds.

musical and baby sensory activities on baby walker baby plays

It’s features includes:

  • A stylish yet timeless design
  • Interactive play
  • With rubber wheels
  • Suitable for children from 12 months

I know that even when Florence walks (for me, and more) she’ll still use this walker because it’s such an enjoyable activity.

Florence also adores her gifted wooden doll’s house from Petite Amelie too.

Wooden doll's house by Petite Amelie

What age did your baby walk?

(Thank you too to Dotty Fish who have gifted several pairs of their wonderful leather shoes which offer support and grips which have also helped Florence balance herself and walk too :)!) Dress is gifted from Jamie Kay.

This walker was gifted to us as part of a long-term collaboration with Petite Amelie.

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