The Healthy Mummy photoshoot in London

Finding Out About The Healthy Mummy Weight Loss Programme


The Healthy Mummy photoshoot in London

On Tuesday the 25th of July, I was kindly invited to attend a special photo shoot in London for The Healthy Mummy, the biggest mums-only dieting and exercise service and app (which was one of three simultaneous shoots worldwide with others in New York and Sydney).

The day was arranged to celebrate 6 extraordinary mums, who thanks to the regime, had lost almost 18 stone between them (wow!) and now felt happier and more confident for it.

So confident, they were up for a shoot in their undies! Whoop! 

The wonderful mums modelling on the day had followed The Healthy Mummy’s 28 Day Weight Loss Challenges, had found the programme increased their energy levels and in some cases, even helped them overcome depression. The diet encourages a healthy regime, with realistic amends  to your current diet (FYI no foods are banned) and upping your exercise (again realistically) to boost weight loss and confidence.

Chatting to the inspirational women on the day, along with the fabulous founder and CEO of The Healthy Mummy, the dynamic and beautiful, Rhian Allen (check out the video where I interview, below) really put a spring in my step and has inspired me to embark on the programme myself so I can lose the 9 lbs I piled on over the summer.

Rhian is once heck of a mumboss who put everything on the line when she first set up her business back in 2010. An Australian chef and bestselling author, she provides mums with healthy yet viable dishes and lifestyle options that work long-term. 

Rhian feels passionate about providing a solution and support network to help mums lose weight in a healthy, sustainable way – which doesn’t include fad methods and is also was safe for breastfeeding mums, too. Her Lose Baby Weight program has helped mums to lose over 3,000,000 kg* and is recommended by 9/10 mums to their friends, plus all of the products on the program are are created by Nutritionists and Post Natal Exercise Experts.

The Lose Baby Weight community is also extremely active and supportive with over 250,00 mums on social media and over 30,000 in the Private Support Group.Impressive!

 Now, I’d like to state there is NOTHING, nothing at all wrong with wanting to lose weight and embarking on a diet.

While no one should feel pressured to diet or conform to a particular body size or shape, you should equally feel free to want to change your body if you so wish, to feel healthier for example, stronger and of course, more confident.

My expanded tummy post-holiday and the general yo-yoing I’ve become accustomed to doesn’t make me feel at my healthiest or most confident but I know I can lose weight, I just need some discipline, guidance and support, everything The Healthy Mummy programme and app can give me. 

A diet undertaken in a healthy way (emotionally and physically, with the support of a sisterly community as with The Healthy Mummy makes perfect sense for busy mums like me.

The programme is about healthy and REALISTIC weight loss and healthy living. It’s about empowering mums to learn about healthy food, healthy living and achieving just that, in a supportive environment.

Being a mum is flipping HARD WORK and everyone at The Healthy Mummy understands that. It’s that understanding and empathy which shines through in their recipes, the exercises, products and the amount of budget and family friendly products available for their users. It’s an app founded by a busy mum for busy mums.  

The programme is not there to put pressure on mums to lose weight, they instead offer support, advice, plans and products to help mums lose weight when they are 100% physically and emotionally ready to do so – which could be a few months post-birth or a few years.

Everyone is an individual and is treated as such…

I have, for as long as I can remember veered between a UK 8 to a large 12 thanks mostly due to the highly frustrating condition, PCOS, which makes losing weight twice as hard for someone like me, suffering from it. I also oscillate between being fairly disciplined and strict with my eating and exercise regime to full-on indulgent for months on-end!  What can I say? I’m a woman of extremes! 

Having spent the day with Rhian however, and the kick-ass, stunning and inspirational Nadia Sawalha (who I’ve bumped into at events before but hadn’t had the chance to chat properly to until the shoot), made me feel sure that The Healthy Mummy app would be the right plan to help me lose my mum tum once and for all!

The Healthy Mummy photo shoot

They cater for vegetarians like me, vegans and meat-eating mamas so there’s something for everyone.

I’ve got this and so have you!

What a super day.

Check out my interview with Rhian below!

Have you tried The Healthy Mummy yet?

This is a sponsored post but as always, my words are honest.

healthy mummy

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