Courgette Linguini With Feta And Fried Garlic

Courgetti with Feta, Chilli and Fried Garlic

How To Make Courgetti with Feta, Chilli and Fried Garlic By Honest Mum

Courgetti with Feta, Chilli and Fried Garlic.

Nutritious and delicious, this is a dish that will delight. I’m a real gadget girl and any technology in the kitchen that simplifies preparing and cooking food, is a winner in my eyes.

Courgetti With Feta, Fried Garlic & Chilli

In fact one big bowl has just 36 calories!

To make the courgette linguine, I use this Spiralz vegetable spiralizer from Juiceland.

Vegetable Spiralizer

Easy to use and – most importantly – easy to clean, the spiralizer is great quality and has even been recommended by the Huffington Post and Daily Mail.

It really is an essential kitchen gadget – especially if you’re vegetarian, following a health diet or a raw food enthusiast.

It comes with 3 different blades. One for spaghetti/linguine, a second for ribbon pasta and a third for spirals. You can also spiralize all kinds of vegetables, including cucumber, carrot, sweet potato, celeriac, kohlrabi and fennel – to name just a few.

It’s so simple to operate, even my 5 year old under supervision could use it. Simply place your chosen veg into the machine, turn the handle and et voila!

making courgetti

courgetti spirals




Courgetti With Feta, Chilli And Fried Garlic

Low carb courgetti

low GI courgetti dish

Courgetti dish

Ingredients (serves 4)

  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil
  • 4-5 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
  • 4 courgettes, spiralized into linguine
  • Juice of one lemon
  • 300g feta cheese
  • 2 small red chillies, sliced finely
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil for drizzling


Heat the oil in a small frying pan and add the chopped garlic. Cook until it turns brown and crispy.

Add the courgette linguine to a large bowl and season with lemon, salt and pepper.

Divide into 4 serving bowls, add chopped garlic, chilli’s and crumble on the feta cheese. Drizzle in some extra virgin olive oil.



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