family with their Cosatto stroller

Cosatto: Saving Me From Boring Kids Stuff!

Cosatto FirebirdI love working with Cosatto, they really shine some twinkly stardust over my life whenever we collaborate or they ask me to review yet another gorgeous product from their collection-it’s a tough job I know ;)… So without further ado, let me share in detail the fabulous Supa Firebird Pushchair we were sent for little Alexander, 2…Oh and the most fun day you could imagine at their HQ where they unveiled the lushest of lush Spring/Summer range that really will make your summer sunny even if it rains!

Last week saw us head to nearby Harrogate to lap up the surprising winter sunshine and just enjoy being together as a family having fun, as we pushed the striking Firebird stroller through a leafy park.


The light was dazzling. As was the pram!


family day out with Cosatto

I love this little film we made, happy memories of us three being silly as can be! Oliver loves pushing Alexander around, even if he’s sometimes a bit fast on the wheel!

If you haven’t heard of Cosatto where’ve you been mama?

They’re a brand that are truly taking the baby world by storm – an absolute vision of technicolour, pretty prints and statement pieces for you and your kids, they’re all about celebrating the little people in your life, and to me are the ultimate happy-makers when it comes to cool kids’ stuff!

Cosatto 100% adhere to their mission statement of ‘saving the world from boring baby stuff’ and certainly spice up mine and my family’s life.

Cosatto OobaI can’t tell you how many times I’ve been stopped by random passersby to inform me how beautiful the Ooba in duck egg blue is (above), and the first time we ever took the Firebird onto the streets for a spin, we were literally met by oohs and arghs at every corner!

When was the last time your pram caused a traffic jam. Ours did! Kinda!

Seriously though, this sort of stroller really makes a girl feel that little bit special!

You know when the toddler is crying and your eldest is complaining about walking round the supermarket, you look at your stroller and it makes life feel that bit more bearable. Really.

It’s the equivalent of red lipstick on a tired face for mums needing a little lift! Make up and Cosatto are my parenting armour to get me through the day!

Mummy and child

With a dynamic folk-flavoured Scandi style theme, Firebird rocks woodland animals in Autumnal tones that suit my little boy down to the ground!

We’re not the only ones who love it either, it recently scooped the Mother & Baby Gold Award 2015 for best lightweight buggy/stroller and couldn’t deserve its accolade more!

Mother and Baby Gold

Easy to ping up and collapse, it’s the thoughtful extras that make life easy with the Firebird, with a combined footmuff, a coffee carrier for you that slots onto the pram and an expandable pram cover (the longest and most useful I’ve ever seen) that keeps your baby/child covered from the rain and warm and cosy inside, in one sleek, compact, lightweight stroller, it’s no wonder it’s picking up prizes!

Here are all the juicy details:

Featuring all known features plus movies, music and magic gadgets – Supa Firebird is the pushchair all other pushchairs want to be when they grow up. (True!)

  • Newborn Nester – More than just an umbrella-fold stroller, Supa rocks a from-birth newborn recline option with reclining luxury leg rest for a comfy cutie so ideal from birth to 3.
  • Handy Helper –  Life’s a breeze with Supa’s adjustable handles for walking tall or small, handy one-handed multi-recline for sleeping tots and easy-wash pop-off seat. You can stash it upright with the autostand too.
  • Laid-back Learning – Optimise long strolling hours with Supa’s multimedia gadget pocket with speaker plus ‘Window-on-the-World’ display pocket for flash cards, fave photos or in-flight films on your tablet. It’s a boredom buster to use when you choose. How clever is that?
  • British Weather Proof  –  Supa’s a cuddle-fest with extendable UPF50+ sunshade for pesky rays, 4-way reversible Cosy Toes with zip-off liner for snuggles or sunny strolling, raincover, chest pads, headhuggers and soft insulated bottle covers. Luxe comfort for the most important little ones in your life.
  • Educational, Recreational, Sensational – Because a pushchair that’s a boredom buster when surroundings are lacklustre is clearly going places. Brilliant!

…At the press day, I also fell head over heels for the Charlston Ooba along with everything I literally cast my eyes on.

Each and every time I step into the stunning showroom, I feel my ovaries stirring-Cosatto really do make you feel broody!

Ooba Charlston

So much so that I joked with Emma, Public Relations Manager that I might just have to have another baby so we can keep working together 😉

More than anything, Cosatto are exactly who they say they are on the tin or make that the pram. Happy, bursting with high octane energy and infectious vigour, they’re passionate about beautiful, functional products for families and are totally committed to saving the world from boring baby stuff.

Bye bye bland, hello Cosatto!


Linking up to Lets Talk Mommy’s Share With Me

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