Honest Mum

Changes to McDonald’s Happy Meal with the Addition of the Grilled Chicken Wrap

Honest Mum

Honest Mum and family outside McDonald'sSaturday saw us zoom over to McDonald’s St Paul’s in London in a cab for a party like no other-a McDonald’s party-to celebrate the recent changes to the chain’s Happy Meal menu with the new addition of a Grilled Chicken Wrap!

Yep there’s a new main meal addition in town and your kids will love it!

Super Mario Happy Meal box

Grilled Chicken Wrap

The McDonald’s Grilled Chicken Wrap has been introduced after months of detailed research with Mumsnetters and Gransetters who were keen for the brand to expand what they had to offer kids.

1,000 Mumsnetters in total gave their opinion on what they’d like to see on the McDonald’s Happy Meal menu and a joint focus group with Mumsnetters and Gransnetters was also held where members could try out new menu options and share their thoughts.

Nearly 8 in 10 (78%) wanted to see grilled chicken on the Happy Meal menu so McDonald’s made it happen!

McDonald’s is also making the salad options in the wrap fully customisable after 93% of Mumsnetters said they wanted to be able to customise their kids’ meal which is a relief to all us parents with fussy eaters.

Parents can add cucumber, onion and pickle free of charge with tomato also available for 20p.

This is the first time the Happy Meal menu has been adaptable in this way on the kiosk via the app for Click and Collect ordering and offers parents greater control over their kids’ orders for less stress.

And the good news, as well as being a nutritious option for the little ones, it got the thumbs up on the taste-front from my kids who gobbled it without taking breath along with copious amounts of carrots, and juicy melon too.

child eats McDonald's grilled chicken wrap

grilled chicken wrap-new addition in the Happy Meal at McDonald'sIn between mouthfuls, Alexander, 5, mumbled that, ‘The chicken was soft and tasty’ and Oliver, 8, added, ‘I like that I don’t have to always choose a burger or nuggets now’.

Happy Meal. Happy kids!

the kids have fun at a party at McDonald's card moustache funny faces card faces

The children had been excited for the McDonald’s party for the entire week beforehand and it was honestly the most fun few hours we’ve spent together in a long time (even if Oliver endlessly beat me at Noughts and Crosses).

games at McDonald's mother and son play together Honest Mum's son Oliver Happy Meal charts noughts and crosses games

The atmosphere was carnival-like in the basement of the branch with balloon-makers, face-painting and fun food-related games and activities to keep the kids occupied and happy, and it was great to see the new addition being lapped up by all who attended and to witness McDonald’s continued commitment to healthy eating.

party at McDonald's Vicki of Honest Mum attends a party at McDonald's balloon making

funny face  party games

In case you didn’t know, you can also switch fries for carrot sticks in the Happy Meal and you can add some seasonal fruit bags (melon is available now) for just 49p extra.

McDonald’s has also worked hard to improve the nutritional content of the typical Happy Meal so it now contains 21% less salt, 20% less sugar and 10% less saturated fat content compared with 2006.

It’s not just the kids who are benefiting either. McDonald’s rolled out ‘Meals Under’ menu bundles for adults, bringing together a range of meal options under 400 or 600 calories. Since their advent, sales of side salads have increased by a mammoth 51% and customers opting for the Vegetarian Deluxe are up by 24% too!

melon and carrot bags in McDonald's

Happy, happy days for both parents and kids.

Plus the latest collab with Super Mario in the Happy Meals means my super-fan kids were thrilled and truly grateful for the water toys in their boxes, and the extra activity and sticker sheets they were given on the day.

We’ve all been playing with them ever since.

children playing with sticker sheets

Super Mario stickers

emoji t-shirt sticker chart

McDonald's toys Well done McDonald’s!

…Here, we advocate moderation when it comes to the kids’ diet and being a weekend, we allowed Oliver to enjoy a Flake ice cream (once all of the wrap and carrots had been consumed of course)!  If that’s not moderation, I don’t know what is!

Good job we were quick with the camera as that soft ice cream disappeared in seconds.

Flake ice cream child enjoys an ice cream in McDonald's

…Having worked with McDonald’s for several years, even going behind-the-scenes making a Big Mac in their York store, I’ve seen first-hand the incredibly high standards they adhere to when it comes to the ingredients used in their food (organic milk, no additives, 100% British meat and free range eggs etc) and of course the overall cleanliness and meal prep they undergo in all of their restaurants. It reassures me of the quality of the food for my family, and takes the guilt out of fast food.

I said as much when we were filmed by McDonald’s too.

Honest Mum and family film with McDonald's filming Honest Mum on camera

We personally find McDonald’s a useful pit-stop when we need a quick lunch or dinner and often stop to dine there at service stations on the motorway when we take staycation trips in the UK, or visit my folks in Leeds.

Being plant-based myself, I also love that their fries are vegan-approved too! Win, win for me!

Families are truly at the heart of McDonald’s UK and the introduction of table service in select restaurants, along with easy-to-use touch screens in all branches in the UK which enable you to order quickly and crucially allow you to personalise your food order while helping you to bypass queues and make your life simple whether you eat in or out at McDonald’s.

McDonald's touch screen to order ordering McDonald's

They’ve literally thought of everything.

Thanks for a fab day out MD!

Honest Mum and family enjoy McDonald's and the new Grilled chicken wrap

Have you been to McDonald’s lately?

I’d love to know your thoughts on the latest chicken wrap?

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Changes to McDonald's Happy Meal with the Addition of the Grilled Chicken Wrap

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