I've noticed recently whilst chatting to several close mummy friends of mine that we're often drawn into the topic of having more kids.
That and endless adulation over Harvey Specter from Suits. Drool! Maybe he's the one making our ovaries go into overdrive.
I'm admittedly a born worrier which to my surprise seems to be shock other people as several, particularly recently have remarked how chilled, upbeat and positive I am. Glass half full kind of person. Which I am. Yes I am. Bar PMT week but I as with most people are a complex being.
You can be the life and soul and still worry incessantly.
I'm endlessly asked how I've reached a place where I feel consistently confident and the answer is, if I'm honest, (Honest Mum here, right?) I don't ALWAYS feel confident, no one can constantly feel confident in themselves or their abilities and have faith in their potential, but yes, for the most part, I do feel confident in who I am and what I do.
Now Beyoncé could well be an 'earth mother' for all I know and what exactly is that anyway I hear you cry... to me it's a wade of days ahead of me filled with fun times with my kids.
I write prolifically (a skill I honed as a busy screenwriter over the many years in the TV and film industry)- and as friends often tell me, I tend to appear to be EVERYWHERE online simultaneously (what can I say, I'm good at scheduling folks)...
If you want to succeed in business- and in life, you need to have a purpose, you need to work out what you're passionate about, what feeds your soul- and potentially your tummy (we all need dollar) and then you must work on finding the strength, means and time to make that dream a reality.
Urgh, right now it feels like greater pressure- on top of weight pressures- to not be able to actually admit I'm feeling down about my weight going up!
A lot of people keep mentioning 'success' to me lately, some kindly comment that they feel I'm successful- and while that's flattering, it's made me question how I personally deem and measure success.