Alexander rocking a spot in The Essential One Sleepsuit *
You know when you look at your baby and see all the people you love in him and just melt. That. I’m totally besotted and walking on air. I feel like this all day, every day. Apart from the 4 am feed of course and when I can’t watch Take Me Out without the subtitles on because the kid’s wailing. Then, maybe, then, I’m slightly less besotted.
Babies are amazing though aren’t they? Looking at him makes me see clearly that we really do live on through our kids. 8 week old Alexander resembles so many relatives I love from my 95 year old Yiayia (Grandma) Vikentia in Cyprus and my brother as a baby to my beloved Yiayia Annetta who’s no longer with us.
Looking at old pictures of myself at his age (above), I can really see myself in him-and my Dad, Papa G of course. Now as much as I love Daddy George, I’m a little relieved that Alexander hasn’t taken after his big snozzle (not yet anyway)…Mum often jokes that was the only thing preventing her from having a third child-she thought she’d been lucky with her first two so didn’t want to tempt ‘big nose’ fate. Bless. Disclaimer: there’s nothing wrong with a erm ‘strong’ nose.
…In all honesty though, I’m loving second time motherhood, I feel more relaxed with A-no doubt because I know what to expect and I truly think first time sleep deprivation is great training for second time/third time sleep deprivation.
I can (literally) operate heavy machinery (a washing machine) on 3 hours sleep. Impressive right! I’m also doing things differently this time too like not having him sleep in my arms too much, putting him down in his cot awake so he can learn to get himself off to sleep and getting him accustomed to Nicky Minaj and Jay Z on rotation (the kid has to grow up with great musical taste after all-well my taste anyway).
I’m basically doing a lot of the things I didn’t do with Oliver because I was too tired/didn’t know/only got to page 1 of Gina Ford/Baby Whisperer books. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not super strict to the point of obsession but I now know the importance of routine and how much it helps to have one with two kids!
So have you got a baby and toddler? How are you coping? Is motherhood the second time round easier for you too?
*Alexander is modelling aThe Essential One’s unisex babygrow. This online boutique is my favourite baby brand EVER and as well as receiving the most amazing clothes and blanket from them, I’ve also bought gorgeous items myself. I adore the set of funky stripe baby sleepsuits they sent Alexander too. They are utterly stunning and I love them.
Photograph of Alexander © Peter Broadbent.
Photograph of Vicki as a baby ©George Psarias.
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